Frequently asked questions


Insurance and Accident


Vehicle pickup and return

During the reservation

Making a reservation and changing it


General information about Peoplecar

For municipalities Category_test 2

For municipalities Category_test 1

Where can I find my car keys and available documents?

Our cars are fully controlled via the app, with which you can unlock and lock your car. However, in the passenger compartment you will find a card for charging the car in our charging station, as well as a green card and a copy of the technical license.

I would like to delete my account, is that possible?

Yes, it is possible. In the application, click on the “Request account deletion” button, which can be found in the account settings, in the Basic information section.

I need to change email or phone number

You can change the phone number simply by yourself in the application, to change the email you need to contact our customer line.

How can I change my password?

You can change your password yourself in the app in your account settings in the Basic information section.

I have a new driver's license, how can I update it in my profile?

You can change your driving license yourself in the app by uploading a new license, which is then checked and approved by our team.

How is the perfect technical condition of the vehicle ensured?

All our vehicles are regularly inspected at authorized dealerships.

What should I do if something happens to my car during the rental?

If it is a minor problem, please report the fault using the app (“Report issue” button on the booking detail) and contact our customer service. If the car is not moving, call our customer service immediately, where our team will help you. However, in the event that the fault is the fault of the driver, the driver is responsible for the repair expenses.

How do I report an insurance claim?

For you it is out of work, the insurance claim is handled by our team. However, if necessary, it is possible that our customer service will contact you.

What should I do if I have an accident?

If the situation or legislation calls for the arrival of the police or emergency services, call them first. Then contact our customer line. You will need to fill out an accident report at the scene or request a protocol from the police.

Is the car insured or do I need to buy insurance?

Yes, all our cars have accident insurance with participation of CZK 10,000 and, of course, compulsory liability. In the event of fault, you pay an amount equal to the amount of the co-payment or less (depending on the amount of the damage), but not less. The price of insurance is already included in the price of the car rental that you see in the application.

Is anything charged at the end of the rental?

Yes, for example, if you did not return the car on time, we will charge you additional rental time, in addition we reserve the right to issue a late return penalty. We also reserve the right to issue a fine, for example, for pollution or damage to the car. More details can be found in the Fines Pricelist.

When will I be charged for my booking and will I receive a bill?

The money is withdrawn from you at the moment of making the reservation, along with the successful payment for the reservation, you will receive an email with an invoice. If you extend your reservation, you will also receive a separate invoice after paying for the extension.

How else can I get additional credits?

In addition to purchasing prepaid packages, each registered user receives 100 CZK, each user who inserts an invitation code during registration receives 200 CZK, and then you can earn additional credits by sharing your own invitation code.

What are prepaid packages?

Prepaid packages allow you to save on booking a car. By purchasing a package, we will credit your account with bonus credits, which are then deducted from the price of the reservation. For each package, you can see how much the package will cost you and how many credits you will get for it. In the application, you can clearly see your purchased credits and their expiry, as well as used or expired credits.

How is the final price calculated?

The basic unit is the price for 30 minutes of renting a car, so the final price depends on the total length of the loan. If you do not have any credits in the application, the entire resulting amount is debited from the payment card. If you have credits in the application, they are deducted from the total amount to be paid and you only pay the difference if any.

What is included in the rental price?

The rental price includes car rental, unlimited ride, car insurance and also the possibility of charging the car for free at his home charging station.

How much does it cost to rent a car and why does the price vary between municipalities or communities?

You can see the price for renting a car in the detail of each car. The price of the car varies according to the type of car, but also according to the municipality/community, as the operator of the car is the municipality/community, which themselves set the price for the rental of the car.

What should I do if I locked and returned the car, but left my things in it?

Contact our customer line and we will unlock the car for you remotely.

What should I do if my cell phone runs out while driving or returning the vehicle?

If you have the option, borrow someone's phone, where you log in to your account in the Peoplecar app and return the car. If this is not possible with the help of a borrowed phone, please contact our customer line.

What should I do if I cannot finish the rental in the application?

Make sure you are connected to the internet. Next, restart the application and try to return the car again. If you have met all the conditions for returning the car described above and still cannot terminate the loan properly, terminate it via the button “I have a problem returning the car” and indicate the problem. If this is not possible, contact our customer service.

What should I do if the charging station where I should return the car is occupied or damaged?

If the charging station marked with the license plate of the rented car is occupied, you can return the car to another charging station at that address. If all charging stations are occupied, park in the immediate vicinity. If the charging station is damaged and charging cannot be started, leave the car at the charging station unconnected to the station. In both cases, end the booking with the button “I have a problem returning the car” and indicate what the problem is, best to document the problem with photos as well.

Do I need to return the car with a certain level of charge?

Someone else may have booked a car after you for a while. Therefore, be considerate and, if possible, return it with at least 20% battery. Or end the rental early so that you have time to recharge at least a little before someone else borrows the car.

How is the return of the car carried out and what are the conditions for returning the car?

The return of the car takes place in the same way as taking the car through the application. The app allows you to return the car only if you return it to the car's home address, which you see in the booking detail. In addition, it is necessary that the car is connected to the charging station and the charging of the car is started. Last but not least, make sure that you put the charging chip back in the car, closed all the windows of the car and that you did not forget anything in the car. All you need to do is lock and return the car using the app.

Can I return the car to a place other than where I picked it up?

No, the car must always be returned to the village where you rented the car and to the parent charging station (the address indicated in the booking details). If you try to return the car to another address, the application will not allow you to terminate the rental.

What should I do if I took over a discharged vehicle?

If the car battery is empty, please contact our customer service.

What should I do if I notice any defects while driving?

You can report a defect on the car in the application not only during the pick-up of the car, but also at any time during the rental, just click on “Report a defect” in the booking details.

What should I do if I took over a damaged vehicle?

Report any defects on the vehicle to the application as part of the car takeover process. If the car is seriously damaged or unroadworthy, please contact our customer service.

I can't unlock or lock my car via the app, what should I do?

First, make sure you are connected to the Internet and try to restart the Bluetooth connection. Next, restart the application and try to unlock or lock the car again. If the problem persists, please contact our customer service and we will remotely unlock or lock the car for you.

What should I do if my app doesn't work and I can't pickup my car?

First, make sure you are connected to the internet. Next, restart the application and try to take over the car again. If the problem persists, please contact our customer hotline.

How does the car pickup work?

Taking over the car takes place via an app that guides you through the process. When taking over the car, check the car thoroughly and report any discrepancies you find in the application so that it is clear later that you are not responsible for these defects. After that, all that remains is to stop charging the car with the chip, disconnect the car from the charging station and you can go on your way.

When and where can I pick up the car?

You can see the address where the car is on the day of booking for pickup in the application in the booking detail. The application allows you to take the car no earlier than 5 minutes before the start of the rental.

I need to recharge the car along the way, how do I do it?

Drive to the nearest EV charging station and follow the instructions on the stand. The recharge in this case is paid by you. If you are moving in your municipality, you can use the parent charging station, the loan will not be interrupted or terminated and recharging in this case is free of charge.

I will not be able to return the car in time, what should I do?

Please contact our customer hotline immediately, late returns may affect bookings after you. We reserve the right to apply a contractual penalty for later returns.

Can I transport animals in the car?

Yes, in the car it is possible to transport pets in the corresponding transport box. If the interior of the car is polluted, we reserve the right to apply a contractual penalty and demand compensation from the client.

Can I smoke and eat in the car?

Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited in the car. If the interior of the vehicle is polluted, we reserve the right to apply a contractual penalty and demand compensation from the client. Please behave with the utmost respect in the car, so that the customer after you can enjoy its comfort.

Can I drive abroad?

Yes, you can travel anywhere in the EU with your car, but it is essential that you inform us at least 3 working days in advance by email: info@peoplecar.eu. We will issue you an authorization to exit the vehicle abroad, which must be stored in the vehicle in case of official inspection. Furthermore, it is your duty to comply with the applicable highway usage rates of that state, at your expense.

Can I take the car on the highway?

Yes, within the Czech Republic, electric cars are exempt from the highway sign, so you don't have to worry about anything.

Can someone else drive the car other than the person making the reservation?

No, the car can only be driven by a registered Peoplecar user on whom the reservation is made.

Is there a limit on how far I can drive the car?

No, you have unlimited raid as part of a paid reservation.

When will I be refunded for my cancelled rental?

If you cancelled your loan more than 24 hours before the start date, we will refund the full amount. Refunds should be credited to your account within 7 working days.

I will not be using the rental, can I cancel the reservation?

Yes, cancellation is possible free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the rental. For later cancellation of the reservation, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee in the amount of the full price of the rental.

I need to change the rental length, what should I do?

For any changes to your booking, whether extending or postponing your booking, please contact our customer service.

For how long can I rent a car?

The car can be rented for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 96 hours (4 days).

Can I rent a car in a city other than the one I live in?

Yes, you can rent a car anywhere our cars are available. However, it is important that you always return the car in the village where you also rented it.

How can I rent a car?

You just need to be logged in, have an approved profile and a credit card uploaded. Then you just need to choose the car that suits you based on the location and time and complete the reservation. The reservation becomes binding upon its payment and there is no longer anything preventing you from picking it up on the day of booking and embarking on the journey.

My registration has been rejected, what should I do?

It is possible that all registration requirements have not been met. If you would like to know the exact reason for refusing your registration, please contact our customer line. Peoplecar reserves the right to refuse registration even if the above requirements are met, even without giving a reason.

How long does it take to approve a profile?

After filling out the registration, all users go through an internal review. Our team approves your profile mostly within a few minutes, sometimes it can take longer, but not more than 24 hours.

What is a referral code?

Each registered user has their own referral code that they can share with others. If one of your friends has shared their referral code with you, you can enter it at the beginning of registration. You will receive a reward of 200 CZK in the application immediately after registration, your friend will receive 100 CZK after the end of your first loan.

Why do I need to enter my personal data and documents?

Your personal data and documents are used to verify your identity and to ensure that you hold a valid driving licence. We take great care to protect your data, so you don't have to worry about misuse of your data and documents.

How is the registration for Peoplecar done and how long does it take?

Signing up is easy and will only take you a few minutes. As part of registration, you only need to fill in basic personal data, upload photos of a valid ID and driving license of group B and take your own self-portrait (selfie). That's all for you, then all you have to do is wait for your profile to be approved. As a bonus, each registered user receives 100 CZK in the application, thanks to which they can have their first reservation cheaper.

What do I need to fulfill in order to rent a Peoplecar shared car?

To rent a shared car, you need to download our app on your phone and go through easy registration, which requires a valid ID and driving license of group B. Once we approve your account, you become a registered user and once you enter your payment details, nothing prevents you from booking a car and going on your way.

What can I do as a driver to make Peoplecar cars available in my area?

If you would like to use the Peoplecar service, but it is not available in your municipality, you can fill out a simple form on our website https://www.peoplecar.eu/kontakt. We will then contact the applicants for our service, propose an economic model based on the input data and together come up with the best solution for the given community.

Where is Peoplecar available?

Peoplecar is a new service that will gradually expand to Czech cities and municipalities where there will be interest in this service. In addition, we will develop the service together with our business partners in selected development projects, universities and the like. Please also inquire about the current availability of the service on our website at www.peoplecar.cz.

What is Peoplecar Service?

Peoplecar is a comprehensive car-sharing system in close cooperation with a specific community that is its founder and investor. After registering in the Peoplecar app, you can easily rent your chosen shared electric car.

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